Last night I went through what some people would call a direct psychic attack. Basically, some unfriendly external spiritual entity (ghost / demon / alien) jumped on me and forcibly tried to either enter my body, remove my spirit from my body, or both, I’m not really sure which... This assault happened to be during a dream state, but I experience these kinds of attacks at least once every several years and sometimes during a waking state... The few times this has happened while I was awake and actually walking around have been, well, awkward. I get something like a nerve tingle followed by an intense feeling of being invaded, and I have to pause for a moment to marshal my inner forces to give some pushback. It’s always a little weird, and not always successful, in which case I have to deal with it again later in a dream state... Which is usually completely nuts. When such entities try to push or pull me around while I am in a dream state, it instantly activates some very deep-seated (and personally shocking) preservation instinct and I react with this total tooth and nail fight for survival. It’s very “physical” and it’s extremely violent. And because it takes place in a space outside of normal waking reality, it plays out something like Neo vs Agent Smith in the Matrix sequels mixed with a little Spiderman vs Venom... It’s absolutely intense and all-encompassing. Anyway, this is something I get to deal with every now and then, and while I am not entirely sure why such entities still want a piece of me, I do know how I learned to put up such an all-out vicious fight. That’s from the decades I had spent “partnered up” with a dark vampiric entity of my own subconscious inviting, which is a story for another day... But back to last night, as soon as the new entity started pushing and pulling, I could feel myself instinctively start to switch into full-on berserker mode... but then something different happened. I went suddenly (and surprisingly) calm. I just relaxed back down into my body. and then started channeling reiki energy-- I’m a real-life reiki master, and I use it pretty much constantly in my daily life. So I guess this habit finally settled deeply enough into my subconscious that it sprang forth at this very helpful moment. Now, it didn’t explode out of me doing 3d8 radiant damage or blasting the foul fiend back to hell, or anything dramatic like that. That’s just not how reiki works. But it filled me with something like contentedness and immediately diffused the tension, and as the aggressive energy dissipated, the entity itself just sort of released me, and flew off or faded out... and I gently woke up shortly after, uninhabited by any extraneous spirit-beings. The strange, unpleasant context aside, it was a happy surprise to find that I may have progressed beyond the need for that brutal instinctual fight & flight reflex. Not that it hadn’t mostly protected me for all those years, but it had its costs to my mental wellbeing and general sense of goodness and balance. And because it was rooted in uncontrolled fear, it clearly turned over control of my reactions to these external entities who could simply pounce and elicit an epic deathmatch battle at any time. Now it seems I have turned the page on that to a more grounded and peaceful way of handling these situations, one that I have actually been working on for a while and grateful to have finally been able to so deeply embody-- And if this calm filling-up with grounded contentedness was able to dissipate such a full-frontal psychic attack, it may offer you a way to deal more pleasantly with the common everyday negative energy vibes people throw your way, without resorting to “toxic positivity” or mental shields that often get the job done but tend to be passive-aggressive and isolating in their own turn. Obviously, from my own story here, that’s easier said than done. But it could be a gentle goal to work towards-- If you’re interested in hearing more about experiences like this and discussing them more deeply, check out my live group Q&A sessions each month on Zoom
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AuthorJeffrey Categories
December 2023