I went for a short run today for the first time since the hot, humid summer began... This is probably mostly because my lovely wife said my cute little butt is starting to get a little soft, but also I've definitely been spending too much time working with that cute butt in a chair, and anyway moving swiftly is good for the heart, mind, and energy flow--
The increased circulation drove my murder-hornet attack wound mad with itchiness (it still looks a little red and angry) but I'm happy to report that's just superficial. The underlying muscle and knee joint is fully operational. I took it light and easy so as not to strain anything, but I'm looking forward to getting back out there tomorrow. To health, safety, and a firmer butt! UPDATE: Showered post-exercise with a cup of soy milk yogurt instead of soap... now I'm feeling fresh and smooth and maybe delicious... Survived a major typhoon last night with no damage. Very thankful! Today I got stung on the knee by an Asian Giant Hornet while clearing downed bamboo and branches from the driveways... Ouch! She must have been agitated by the intense storming, because even though they're known as Murder Hornets in the US, my interactions with them here are usually pretty calm and uneventful. I felt light-headed with elevated heart rate and was a little concerned about being alone in such an isolated place, so a very kind neighbor drove me to the nearest hospital to wait out any adverse reactions... Well, now I'm sitting in the lobby waiting for my wife to pick me up from having spent the typhoon helping at her family home. Thankfully the only adverse reaction is pain... it's considerable. it's bearable. and it's definitely nothing like the time my foot was run over by a forklift... I'll still have to hobble around and clear a few more big bamboo branches before we can drive up and park the car, but with a little reiki and a lot of gratitude for what didn't go for the worse, I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep safe and sound-- what Craiyon AI thinks a mad murder hornet looks like... yeah, pretty close...
AuthorJeffrey Categories
April 2023